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This is an account of life in an Olympic city. Capturing the final preparations before the Opening Ceremony as well as the Games themselves.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

One unfortunate (?) potential spectator

On my way to the Closing Ceremony (more on that soon), while going through the perimeter security check (the first check were you go through the metal detectors), there was a well dressed Greek lady in the queue next to mine, that was caught with an Accreditation Only ticket.
As I have mentioned in my previous post (the one about ticket touts), one of touts' dirty tricks was to sell Accreditation Only tickets (that are meant only for people who are somehow associated with the Games, beyond the spectator function), to ordinary people. This ticket is useless without an accreditation photocard (the rectangle laminated thing dangling in front of athletes, coaches, volunteers, etc).
So you might ask, what do you care?
I have bought my Olympics tickets more than a year ago, at a time that most people in Greece were claiming that they will be on holiday and they have no interest in attending for X Y Z reasns. In the last few days of the Games there has been an amazing surge of interest by all these people who came back from their holidays or just suddenly realised that they will miss the Olympics and started frantically looking for a ticket, any ticket to any event. Because they are so “clever” they (offcourse) want the above mentioned ticket to be really cheap. If it was up to them they would have liked to be paid for attending.
Since they had no previous interest in the Olympics they had no clue what is going on, how the tickets look like, where they are sold, how much they cost etc.
At various occasions when I was outside a stadium to sell my spare tickets I always warned the above mentioned people to be very careful when someone was selling them half price tickets for soldout events…most of the times I was completely ignored or even laughed at (because I was selling my tickets at full/cost price).
Well I hope that lady learned her lesson. Unfortunately I do not know if she was allowed inside, I sincerely doubt so.
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