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This is an account of life in an Olympic city. Capturing the final preparations before the Opening Ceremony as well as the Games themselves.

Friday, August 27, 2004

Finale - Apotheosis

At the end of this weekend the Olympics will be over, and no amount of wishing otherwise can change this rather sad event. Despite the cries and complaints of many Athenians, the city not only welcomed the games (especially after the second week) but helped them become something much more than just another athletic event with too many competitions (I am eagerly awaiting the introduction of synchronised underwater trampoline in the next few years). The games were never about just running, jumping, throwing, swimming or playing softball (especially not about playing softball) but about the modernisation of this wonderful ancient city that had been allowed to decline for many years, the infusion of a sense of history and culture in the proceedings and the elevation of the famous summer Athenian joie de vivre into its own art form. On all these fronts the games have succeeded magnificently, and those lucky enough to have been here will remember them for the rest of their lives. All that remains for now is one final weekend of revelry in what essentially is the best party that this country has ever seen and one last chance to soak up the atmosphere, crowds, sights and sounds of a very beautiful, very welcoming and incredibly liberating city. We are truly very lucky to be here.
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